Upon the conclusion of the deadline stipulated in the call issued in November, the Electoral Institute of Mexico City (IECM) received notifications of intention from 12 civil organizations and local political groups that wish to establish themselves as political parties in the capital of the country.
Among the groups that have expressed their interest are APL Fuerza Popular Línea de Masas, Movimiento Laborista CDMX, Gente Nueva Democrática, Movimiento de Liberación Juvenil, Voces Mayas por la Soberanía de México, Tlatoani Voz de Todos, Frente Juventud y Justicia, Constitucionalidad Democrática por México, A.C., Fundación Alianza para la Democracia Integral, Ciudadanos Activos del DF A.C., Ecos de Reconciliación and Tlahtocan, the Power of the People, A.C.
After receiving these notifications, the IECM has a period of 10 working days to review the documentation submitted by the interested organizations. Subsequently, if the procedures are accepted, the groups will be able to begin the affiliation process for members using the Mobile Application provided by the National Electoral Institute (INE), which will provide them with access keys to their platform.
To move forward in the process, the groups will need to gather at least 20,611 affiliations by January 15, 2026. Additionally, they must hold a total of 22 district assemblies or 11 assemblies in the boroughs of Mexico City before December 15, 2025. By meeting these requirements, the organizations will be able to submit their registration application to the IECM in January 2026.
It is important to highlight that, in the recent political history of Mexico City, only one civic organization has obtained its registration as a local political party through this process: the Party for Equity, Freedom, and Gender “ELIGE.”